We provide counseling services, career development, spiritual connectivity; we support unity and transparency within religious organizations both professionally and economically. The truth of GOD AS REVEALED THROUGH THE LIFE OF JESUS THE CHRIST frees the bound to free others who are bound.
prayer before every decision.
It is not the one who is praying that matters, but the one who is listening who has the power to change the course of things being lifted up.
elders / seniors
We are most blessed when we realize the human treasure among us in the form of elders and seniors. We thank GOD for allowing men and women who have been walking with HIM. We also take heed of the necessary challenges that come with experience and sometimes age. We lift others up before ourselves who are glorifying GOD in our treatment of those around us. Preferring one another for HIS namesake.
Sunday school
"How will I know, except some man (or woman) come and guide me?".Acts 8:31
We sit at HIS feet to learn more about HIS character, instruction, hope and will for our spiritual lives during this physical experience.
Our richest resource is the children and adolescents among us. As such we provide only the best interactions with men and women of faith. Not shielding them from the realities of life lessons but encouraging their understanding of life decisions. How what we do and say impacts our opportunity to do and say in the future.
There is a place in the temple of GOD for music and the musician. GOD provides that music, we are blessed to have men and women of faith who may or may not be compensated for their skill. Serving in this ministry of worship with the outward expression of physical praise.
community service
We are actively seeking community outreach ministers to represent this ministry in the general community. We are continuing our Saint Louis, Missouri 100% employment program in August 2017. Our goal is to help employ 100 underserved workers by connecting them with small and mid-sized business owners or agencies. Our program will underwrite the salaries of the workers if the companies provide training as well as possible ongoing employment after our initial 12-month salary commitment guarantee. If your business is seeking competent, willing workers for every possible opportunity, please email us with the job opportunity person to contact. If you are an underemployed or unemployed worker with a degree, a laborer, experienced professional, please send in your resume with contact information. We will contact you to verify the information and add you to our list of available employees list for immediate consideration by vetted business owners and agencies in the Saint Louis, Missouri metropolitan area.